Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Paruresis Treatment System - Information On The System

Paruresis is a psychological condition that prevents individuals from being able to urinate in public. Paruresis is a psychological state and can be overcome by a range of different treatment methods. In this article we will discuss the condition of Paruresis, and the various forms of Paruresis treatment.

Paruresis is the medical term that has been given to this form of social anxiety. Other names for Paruresis include Shy Bladder, Bashful Bladder, Shy Pee and Stage Fright. The disorder is in fact quite common. It is estimated that around 7% of the population of the United States have Paruresis. This figure is likely to rise if you take into account the minor occurences of Paruresis as well.

I am sure most men can recall an example where they failed to pee in public. This is often a one-off event and is often referred to as a simple case of stage fright. But for Paruresis sufferers this is a regular occurence.

There are different levels of severity with Paruresis. Most common is the inability for men to urinate in the urinals at public restrooms. Nevertheless, some may find it hard to pee or even defecate in a private cubicle. Paruresis is not merely restricted to peeing in the presence of others. Even if there is no fear of peeing in public, many people may battle to urinate in a moving vehicle such as a train.For Paruresis sufferers, the presence of another person is not neeeded to prevent the flow of urine. The imagined presence of others, or the thought that somebody might walk into the washroom at any time is enough to put many people off. Quiet restrooms are often the hardest locations for Paruresis sufferers to urinate in. The possibility that somebody might be listening to you urinate is enough to put much off. Easier rooms to urinate in for Paruresis sufferers often involve washrooms with many cubicles and high amounts of ambiet noise. Women also suffer from Paruresis, although the disorder is more common with men.

Lets take a look at some of the main Paruresis Treatment methods.

Therapy - Seeing a professional therapist consists of overcoming the irrational thought processes that contribute to Paruresis. The therapist may also take you through graduated exposure exercises, where over time you are introduced to the feared environment with the aim to become less sensitive to it.
The advantage of seeing a therapist is that recovery is often quick. Recovery from Paruresis is also on more of a permanent basis with a therapist.The disadvantages of therapy is that appointments are often hard to come by and usually quite expensive.

Support Groups - Support groups allow you to share your struggles with Paruresis with other sufferers. At group sessions individuals offer encouragement and share their progress stories. Graduated exposure exercises are also often gone through at support groups. This is where Paruresis sufferers team up and aim to reduce their sensitivity to peeing in the presence of another person. The advantage of a support group is that they are generally free. The encouragement of others can help you overcome set backs during the recovery process, and you get to meet others with personal experience of recovering. The disadvantage of support groups is not a method of specialized treatment so the mental issues linked with Paruresis are not addressed. Progress often depends on how well you get on with others in the group.

Medication - Doctor prescribed medication can help reduce stress and worry to aid in the Paruresis recovery process. Over a period of time the Paruresis sufferer will come off the medication as progress starts to show. Doctor visits and support groups aid with this progress as well. The advantage of medication is that it can help lessen discomfort quickly and can be the last little bit of help that a number of people need in order to see results. The drawbacks are the financial cost, possible side effects, and the fact that a person can become too dependent on medication.

Self Cure - By reading online websites and forums and purchasing books you can discover about Paruresis and use to overcome it in your own time.
The advantage of self-cure is that it is reasonably low-cost. You can share your difficulties with individuals online without having to meet anyone face to face, and you can experience the recovery process in your own time without external pressures. The disadvantages are that the problem is not shared so the success of the recovery process depends entirely on the work that the person puts in. Is not a option for specialized therapy and recovery may also take longer.

The Paruresis Treatment System is an instance of a self-cure system. The Paruresis Treatment System is an ebook manual and audio MP3 system. The below links will give you more details on The Paruresis Treatment System.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Paruresis and Paruresis Treatment: An Overview

Paruresis means that you struggle to urinate in a public washroom. It is a health term. Paruresis is a condition of the mind that causes the body to tense up and thus prevent the flow of urine. To urinate, a set of sphinter muscles need to be at ease but Paruresis sufferers suffer with this. The tension experienced by Paruresis suffers as they attempt to pee prevents these muscles from relaxing.

Millions of individuals around the world suffer from the inability to pee in public, where the presence of another individual in the washroom puts them off peeing. Many more millions of people go through Paruresis at lower levels of severity and go through the occasional failure to pee at a urinal under certain circumstances.If you have Paruresis then there are various treatment hints available. The main types of paruresis treatment include seeing a therapist, attending workshops, performing desensitization excercises such as the pee buddy method, and in severe instances, catheterization.

Therapy involves seeing a therapist on a weekly basis over a period of roughly 10 weeks. The psychological thoughts that contribute to paruresis are talked through with the therapist. Paruresis is a mental state, and the unconcious unhelpful thought procedure that goes through the mind is what causes the incapability to urinate in public. During therapy, this thought process is addressed to help the sufferer overcome paruresis.

A ‘pee buddy’ is where you get a friend or a fellow shy bladder sufferer to help you ‘desensitize’. To start with, your friend will lurk around in an outside room when you urinate in the washroom. Over time, as you start to feel more comfortable, the pee buddy will move closer next time you urinate and eventually you will get to the stage where you can pee with the door open and your urinate buddy being nearby.

There are workshops that you can attend where you meet fellow Pauresis sufferers and you are teamed up with a urinate buddy during a stay at a hotel for the weekend. This process is good for an individual who progresses well with moral support from other people. But for some individuals it could be too embarrassing and they would rather not go to these workshops in the event they might bump into someone they know.

Self catheterization involves using a device called a catheter that Paruresis sufferers keep in their pocket and use to manually force the body to urinate. It is essential that a specialized shows the individual how to safely use the device before hand.

Many of the Paruresis treatment methods have one thing in common: they attempt to change the harmful thinking that the brain has towards peeing in public into more at ease, encouraging thoughts so that going to urinate in public is not seen as something to worry about.

This is what The Paruresis Treatment System does. Since paruresis is a type of social anxiety, the treatment system works on the idea of reprogramming the mind to no longer get anxious when the body needs to urinate. The reason you have Paruresis is because an unconscious part of your brain links negativity with peeing in public and as a result your body will not be able to loosen up in those situations. This issue is addressed by The Paruresis Treatment System.

The tips used in the Paruresis Treatment System are created to work with the unconscious part of your mentality in order to perform 'reprogramming' so that the irrational pessimistic thoughts are no longer associated with urinating in public.

Addressing the unconscious part of the brain is absolutely the fastest way to overcome Paruresis. Your brain can only take so much upbeat thinking, but overcoming paruresis to enable the body to easily relax when th need to urinate in public arises, is only something that the unconscious part of the mind has control over.

The Paruresis Treatment System was created by a well known self-help author named Rich Presta. Rich knows what it is like to overcome social anxiety, and he uses his experience to help others via his ebooks. You are in safe hands with Rich, whom communicates his messages in a sociable, chatty and funny tone.

See the link below for more information on Paruresis and the methods of treatment available.

Click Here For Access To The Paruresis Treatment System

Thursday, March 3, 2011


Paruresis is a medical term used to describe the phobia of peeing in public. Paruresis is often known as shy bladder bashful bladder, shy pee and stage fright.

The inability to pee in a public restroom by paruresis sufferers is due to the presence of other people. But there does not necessarily have to be others around for the flow of urine to be prevented. Sometimes the presence of others just has to be imagined and not real. For someone with paruresis, thought that someone could walk through the door at any minute is enough to put many people off.

Paruresis is more common that you may think. Paruresis is an issue for around 7% of the population of the US. That figure is around 14% if you count people who occasional experience minor paruresis problems.

Women also suffer from paruresis although it is more common with men.

Paruresis is a form of social anxiety. Paruresis is a mental condition, not physical. Therefore it can be cured. Paruresis is not a disease! With hard work you can change the negative thought process that goes through your mind when you try to pee in public. You have paruresis because your brain incorrectly thinks that peeing in public is a scary thing and that your body needs protecting! But with work, you can rewire these thoughts of the mind to no-longer have paruresis.

There is a product called The Paruresis Treatment System that takes you through simple daily excercises to reprogramme your brain to not have paruresis anymore.

To find out more about paruresis and The Paruresis Treatment System visit the hubpage of paruresis and the authors paruresis tips website.