Thursday, March 3, 2011


Paruresis is a medical term used to describe the phobia of peeing in public. Paruresis is often known as shy bladder bashful bladder, shy pee and stage fright.

The inability to pee in a public restroom by paruresis sufferers is due to the presence of other people. But there does not necessarily have to be others around for the flow of urine to be prevented. Sometimes the presence of others just has to be imagined and not real. For someone with paruresis, thought that someone could walk through the door at any minute is enough to put many people off.

Paruresis is more common that you may think. Paruresis is an issue for around 7% of the population of the US. That figure is around 14% if you count people who occasional experience minor paruresis problems.

Women also suffer from paruresis although it is more common with men.

Paruresis is a form of social anxiety. Paruresis is a mental condition, not physical. Therefore it can be cured. Paruresis is not a disease! With hard work you can change the negative thought process that goes through your mind when you try to pee in public. You have paruresis because your brain incorrectly thinks that peeing in public is a scary thing and that your body needs protecting! But with work, you can rewire these thoughts of the mind to no-longer have paruresis.

There is a product called The Paruresis Treatment System that takes you through simple daily excercises to reprogramme your brain to not have paruresis anymore.

To find out more about paruresis and The Paruresis Treatment System visit the hubpage of paruresis and the authors paruresis tips website.

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