Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Paruresis Links and Resources

I have conducted many hours of research into Paruresis over the years. The knowledge that I have gained about Paruresis (both factual information about the condition as well as personal stories) acts as the inspiration for the input to the the Ezine Articles that I write as well as the information contained on this Shy Bladder (Paruresis) Blog and my Shy Bladder (Paruresis) Tips website.

I would like to share some of the most useful links that I have come across in the hope that fellow Paruresis suffers will find use in them.

The Official International Paruresis Association (IPA) website: http://www.paruresis.org/
The IPA is a great resource. It includes a discussion forum, information on support groups and seminars as well as a wealth of information on the condition of Paruresis.

The United Kingdom Paruresis Trust (UKPT): http://www.ukpt.org.uk/
A UK registered charity dedicated to helping Men and Women with the condition. Also includes a discussion forum.

For a shy bladder sufferer, wishing to learn more on the subject the above two links (depending on the country you are from) would be my recommended first stop. They are reliable non-profit making resources aimed at arising awareness of the condition.

A useful article on Medicinenet.com: http://www.medicinenet.com/script/main/art.asp?articlekey=50871

An article from the Men's Health Forum: http://www.menshealthforum.org.uk/peeing/19107-paruresis-are-you-dying-pee
It is always good to see a high profile sight highlight the condition so that others can learn about it and to raise the profile of Paruresis.

The Paruresis Treatment System: http://tinyurl.com/shybladdertreatment
this website advertises a digital product to help people overcome Shy Bladder, but there is also some really useful free information on there as well.

Bathrooms Make Me Nervous: A Guidebook for Women with Urination Anxiety (Shy Bladder): http://www.paruresis.org/bathrooms_make_me_nervous_book.htm
It is good to see a book covering the issue specifically for women. Paruresis is most common with men but many women suffer from the same issue as well and this should be highlighted more often. I think I will aim to dedicate a future post specifically to Paruresis from a women's perspective.

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